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Page Speed 1.6 Beta 已经发布 支持firefox3.6

使用firefox3.6的开发朋友终于可以用page speed 了。

pagespeed1.6 beta下载

来看下 Page Speed 1.6增加了什么特性
  • Specify a character set early - If you don’t specify a character set for your web pages or specify it too low in the page, the browser could parse it incorrectly. You can specify a character set using the META tag or in the Content-Type response header. Returning charset in the Content-Type header will ensure the browser sees it early. (See this Zoompf post for more information.)  更早地定义字符编码设置
  • Minify HTML - Top performing web sites are already on top of this, right? Analyzing the Alexa U.S. top 10shows an average savings of 8% if they minified their HTML. You can easily check your site with this new rule, and even save the optimized version.  最优化html代码
  • Minimize Request Size - Okay, this is cool and shows how Google tries to squeeze out every last drop of performance. This rule sees if the total size of the request headers exceed one packet (~1500 bytes). Requiring a roundtrip just to submit the request hurts performance, especially for users with high latency. 最小化请求大小

