- Call things by their name — easy, short and readable variable and function names 良好的命名习惯
- Avoid globals 避免全局变量
- Stick to a strict coding style 始终使用一种编码风格
- Comment as much as needed but not more 尽量写注释
- Avoid mixing with other technologies 避免使用两种不同的方法来达到一个目的
- Use shortcut notation when it makes sense 使用literal来声明object和array
- Modularize — one function per task 一个function一个任务,模块化
- Enhance progressively 渐进增强,指要兼容性
- Allow for configuration and translation 统一的配置和变量
- Avoid heavy nesting 避免多重嵌套
- Optimize loops 优化循环
- Keep DOM access to a minimum 最小化的操作dom
- Don’t yield to browser whims 不要写某一浏览器only的代码
- Don’t trust any data 对于输入要严格审查
- Add functionality with JavaScript, don’t create too much content 行为和内容分离
- Build on the shoulders of giants 使用javascript框架快速开发
- Development code is not live code 开发代码不是线上代码